Meet Rupert, our pet of the month! Helen is our Senior Designer and works in our creative department and Rupert is her Daughter’s dog. They both came to live with Helen back in November after being in London for 5 years.
After a bad start to 2021, we're celebrating that Rupert turned one this month on the 12th of June and is back to his best self.
"He is such a lovely little character. But unfortunately whilst out with a dog Walker, he Bolted and had a collision with a 4x4. He spent the first few days on oxygen with a collapsed lung. It was terrible waiting for news on his recovery. He’s a miracle pup to have survived such an ordeal.
He ended up with two breaks in his leg and a cast on for several weeks. It was amazing how he adapted and was quickly running around on three legs. He made us laugh and we have many photos with his leg up in the air. After a number of hydrotherapy sessions, he is completely recovered.
I’m sure most of my colleagues have heard Rupert on Teams, letting everybody know when the postman has arrived. Or a delivery man has knocked on the door.
Rupert is a very mischievous puppy and I have to make sure my Golden Bear samples are out of reach. We have had the odd accident, Igglepiggle was too soft and squishy to resist.
6 am Rupert sits outside our bedroom door letting us know he is ready for his morning walk and during the day he loves to find a sunny spot and snooze, dreaming of running in the woods through the bluebells."